Loving Him Is... | Teen Ink

Loving Him Is...

May 4, 2015
By BloomingRaine BRONZE, Cebu City, Other
BloomingRaine BRONZE, Cebu City, Other
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Call a girl pretty, she'll remember you for an hour. Call a girl ugly, she'll remember you for a lifetime!

Accepting who he truly is,

Sticking on to my promise,

Seeing him throught the eyes of love,

Cherishing all that I'd ever have,

Understanding what the way he acts,

Keeping our relationship intact,

Always telling him I'll be in his side,

Even when my afterlife arrives,

Granting his wishes,

Savoring his kisses,

Not looking for more,

It is he whom I adore,

And I vow to Live my whole life,

Being his one and perfect wife.

The author's comments:

Our English teacher asked us to write a poem using gerunds, so I made him this. He was kinda giggly about it though.

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