Susan Be Present Today | Teen Ink

Susan Be Present Today

May 7, 2015
By HaileyElizabeth PLATINUM, Middleburgh, New York
HaileyElizabeth PLATINUM, Middleburgh, New York
21 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"an eye for an eye can make the whole world blind"

Miss. Anthony: the free open-minded person you were saw as.
Has been an inspiration to many.
Your words of wisdom
Widened eyes of the young and the bold.
Although your days made ours more easeful.
Men saw things their way,
Still, you knew right from wrong.
Tis true most women wrote books and sequels,
But still didn't feel equal.
In 1872, you voted illegally.
Shocking all men,
Inspiring all others.
Seasons have changed, years have passed.
And 27 male presidents later…
Women have the rights the deserve,
Despite condescension.
We are strong and independent,
And thankful for your sacrifice.

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