My feelings about you | Teen Ink

My feelings about you

May 5, 2015
By smatgirl98 BRONZE, Lyon, Mississippi
smatgirl98 BRONZE, Lyon, Mississippi
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Anyone can live off love because love provides everything though God in heaven. By:me

They try to keep us apart no matter how we pry,
they just continue to try.
I hate this place it feels like hell,
I swear I feel as though I am in jail.
No matter where I go,
The solution I feel I will never know.
I can't get you off my mind,
but being without you I feel blind.
I feel nothing nor can I see,
I can't feel or see all day unless you are here with me.
They don't understand that they can't stop what's been done,
still they ruin all the fun.
The longer I am away the more I feel lost and sad,
feeling this way shows how much pain I have had.
The more I feel this way,
is all the more I wish you could stay.
No one else makes me feel close to how you do,
I can proudly say how much I love you.
You make me happy and confident,
these stupid people are just not getting the hint.
You are all that matters to me,
somehow I know this is how love is supposed to be.
When I am with you I feel as though nothing can go wrong,
I know this sound corny but with you my life is a song.
I've never known happiness and the love until I met you,
now that I have felt that there is nothing left to do.
Nothing they say can ever keep me away,
because with you is where my heart lay.
I trust you more than I trust my own blood,
I know how that sounds but to me that feels good.
Now I have someone to talk to and hold,
the moment I saw you my heart and soul was sold.
So I just wanted you to know,
I love you and I promise to never let you go.

Dedicated to: Jarvis Winfield?

The author's comments:

This is written because I was feeling bad because some adults are trying to keep me and my boyfriend apart. My situation is the reason I go to a private school, and apparently there is a no dating rule. But the principal is making a big deal out of nothing she is saying that we are trying to sneak away outside to have sex, but both of us have agreed to wait until we get married and plus I have more self respect than to expose myself like that outside. I just wish they would understand that I can't see him outside of school due to me living in a group home.

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