Heartbreak | Teen Ink


May 1, 2015
By ejean BRONZE, West Valley, New York
ejean BRONZE, West Valley, New York
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Sitting on the table is her phone.
It’s been two days since she went on that date.
48 hours of waiting and wondering.
Does he like me? Did I do something wrong?
She thinks to herself.
She stares at that phone like something is going to happen
but nothing ever does.
As 2 hours have passed and no reply.
She gives up
. He is such a liar she says, as he had told her he would call her.
finally she falls asleep, forgetting about the past two days for 5 hours.
she wakes up again…showers, looks in the mirror and gets ready.
Make up, hair and a deep breath.
Walks out the door to get some fresh air,
she looks at her phone and can’t believe what it says.

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