Thank You | Teen Ink

Thank You

April 30, 2015
By Megacellochic SILVER, McKinney, Texas
Megacellochic SILVER, McKinney, Texas
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Thank you for showing me what love looks like.
It looks like yelling and screaming, sleeping on the black leather couch.
It looks like hotels when you can't stand him.
It looks like secret Facebook conversations to your first high school boyfriend.
It looks like cheating.
They say that love is between two people, but you have taught me that it can be between more. 
You can love one person, but when you are tired of them, you can love another.
Thank you for showing me how to move on when times get tough.
When people make me so terribly angry I cannot look at them without seeing the face of Ares.
I can move on. 
I can find somebody else to love,
But only until I begin to see Aphrodite behind the Ares. 
So thank you, mom, for showing me how not to act, and how not to love.

The author's comments:

Last summer I discovered that my mom was cheating on my dad, and had been for quite some time, so this poem is based on that. 

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