Where to Go | Teen Ink

Where to Go

April 27, 2015
By Ian Hamilton BRONZE, Barrington, Illinois
Ian Hamilton BRONZE, Barrington, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Where I wish to go to spend my days
Is somewhere with mountains and fields of hay
With skies as blue as the deep pacific sea
And a house that I’ll never have a need for a key
I want to go driving down a long dirt road
Along a raging rapid rocky river that has long flowed
To be able to see emerald green grassy meadows
And as the sun goes down, watching the sky slowly yellow
I must find a place where the earth is still old
Where the wind whispers through the trees, the leaves a beautiful gold

The author's comments:

This is a poem I wrote about montana, because it is my favorite place in the world to be.

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