Reaper | Teen Ink


April 26, 2015
By iChavis2016 BRONZE, Lafayette, Louisiana
iChavis2016 BRONZE, Lafayette, Louisiana
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"A man is the weapons he forges in the armory of thought."- James Allen

A walk amongst the tombstones turned into a revelation,
I never was one to beg for affirmation,
Or so I thought while I stood there palpitating,
My wrist watch ticked slow as if it we're mimicking my hesitation,
My mind was pillaged with vivid images of annihilation,
When the world is forsaken I'll be buried under these pages,
After 1000 years pass and I barely scratched the surface,
But I made it,
Dust from the kamakazi rises into the atmosphere,
While dead bodies line the sidewalks here,
Somehow I got the wherewithal,
To stare at it all,
And within an instant,
The Sun falls,
No ominous light,
The darkness forced a place on my soul,
Like a parasite,
The day I die might be at night,
So I put on this black cloak and polish my scythe,
I walk as just bones,
I see all the people who are already dead inside,
Funny thing is That they seem to be the most alive,
I sit by their death beds and wait for my time,
Once they give it up,
I take their lives,
See this is not a sadistic motive,
Just a call to my destiny,
I'm death and like such,
You don't have to accept me,
For years upon the years you can keep running,
But one day when your legs feel the strongest,
Know that the reaper is coming,
Know that money can't pay off the wages if sin,
That death is a reality,
Not a friend,
It's not something you can avoid,
Not something you can forget,
It's not an alternate ending,
It's only the beginning.
So as this black fire grows into a blaze within me,
I consume the universe like a plague,
Poisoning every star and planet that's in my way,
I do not love who I am,
And I know it won't change,
But I've come to grips that,
This unfathomable disdain is my fate,
I'm death,
That's who I became.

The author's comments:

It's about death. Youre welcome.

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