You've Hurt Me Enough | Teen Ink

You've Hurt Me Enough

April 24, 2015
By I_Am_The_Lucky_1 BRONZE, Summerville, South Carolina
I_Am_The_Lucky_1 BRONZE, Summerville, South Carolina
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Yesterday was history...
tomorrow is a mystery...
let us re write history
figure out the mysteries

You never said bye when you left
On top of that when you did leave, it was like a flash
Unpredictably you committed theft

Hurting me in the process, you took my heart, you left a horrible rash
Unanimously you thought it was right
Running from something won’t help, it only creates fear
Turning into corridors, running and dashing through the night

My thoughts are that you won’t talk to me for another year
Enduring the pain is hard enough; I can’t imagine you moving on

Ending with nothing, now I think I finally may be done
Nothing will come out good, leaving me thinking I did something wrong
On top of that, all you do is run
Unstoppable, I wish I could still grab you and hold you in my arms
Going away was the hardest thing for me, what more is to come
However, I’m doing, I've given up, and it’s been lasting far enough

The author's comments:

we all have that one person who treated us like trash...

under the dirt...

are diamons...

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