Untitled | Teen Ink


April 16, 2015
By MaKeira GOLD, Eagle Lake, Minnesota
MaKeira GOLD, Eagle Lake, Minnesota
10 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I am not the brightest crayon in the box, and I may not be your favorite, but i'm not worried because some day you'll need me to finish your picture. ~ Unknown to me who made the quote

I tell my friends taking blades to your wrists is like taking your lives. One way or another were all gonna die. Why waste you sweet blood for a stranged moment of time. Why break your own heart because of someone else’s  petty lies. Never shed a tear for those who don't mean a dime. Never do anything you'll ever regret. Don't put your hopes up so high that you can't reach them. Don't always fight your fears as if battling a demon. Yet I sit here in all that I know with so much to gain and so much to show. I wonder why I question my own words. I count the days till it starts again. Wishing not to push my friends away in a time of need. Who's to push their problems to someone else ..not me. Accidents occur all the time always the question of how? And why? People walk around depressed and alone. Some people walk away from their homes. We as people can't function alone..yet we always say were fine on our own. To all of us who burry our tears, fight despair and find ourselves here. Life's a one time thing, with no redos. It's beautiful despite it's scratches and bruises. Don't let yourself fall apart for just anything..you do it once and you'll find you'll be used. Let the wounds heal all the time that it may take. Our voices are real let's use them for sake. Temptations surround us it's part of the deal. The scars that cover us remind us to feel. The most unexpected people carry the burdens so bold. Those of us captivated by the fascinations we hold. Time is a thing of which we have so much yet not enough of. It's so fragile..and works to a beat. Just like our hearts and the hearts we wish to seek. No one ever shared to me that the way of which the world could be could rip a person in two.. You see I don't understand why them?.. Why not me.. To the person waiting for something to change make a ripple it will start a wave. For us who have hopes depleted there is tenderness in effort in which must be applied. You have to stick together if you want to survive. Yet again alone with my thoughts my dreams...fear...demons...mistakes...memories...and time. Time that ticks slowly passing by. How many hours do I waste in my mind?

The author's comments:

My best friend was my inspiration. 

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