Emotional Weather | Teen Ink

Emotional Weather

April 17, 2015
By JadedAngel PLATINUM, Leavittsburg, Ohio
JadedAngel PLATINUM, Leavittsburg, Ohio
22 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I'm Pretty, but I'm not Beautiful
I Sin, but I'm not the Devil
I'm Good, but I'm no Angel
-Marilyn Monroe

The sky is beautiful but full of Rain

tears of Fallen Angels

flowing out of

gloomy eyelids


The rain hits our skin

the angels feel ashamed

the weakness of falling

shames them to their core


Thunder rumbles in perculiar intervals

the angels' breathing becomes shaky gasps

their body trembles defying them


We remain in awe from the thunder

completely clueless

to the pain causing it


We look down on the angels

who fell

without knowing

anything about why


Tornadoes swirl out of control

as the angels thoughts

cloud their mind

with painful memories


We take shelter

from tornadoes

But the angels cannot

escape their thoughts


A hurricane of sadness

washes over the angels

they feel worthless

and unwanted


We evacuate

for hurricanes

but the angels cannot

simply leave these feelings


Lightening strikes

the angels harm themselves

due to the way they loathe themselves


We jump at lightening

frightened by its flash

but not at their actions


Blizzards coat

the angels hearts

leaving them cold

as they try to die


We go somewhere

warm and safe

during blizzards

but for the angels

there is no warmth


We are more frightened

by storms

then we are

by angels trying to die


All the fallen angels need to know

you may feel

too weak to fly

but you are

too strong to die

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