Eulogy | Teen Ink


April 17, 2015
By ZoZoEM GOLD, Reno,
ZoZoEM GOLD, Reno,
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Live deliberately" -Henry David Thoreau

She danced the rainbow bridge to eternity
under the light of the sun
and over gentle clouds
into the caressing arms of forever.

Her journey will go on, unbounded,
unrestrained by the limitations of tangible form.
Her dance with cancer has reached its end
and though her beautiful soul will be missed,
she is forever our sovereign warrior and magical healer.

Her beauty shows in every blooming flower;
her strength, in every gust of wind;
her radiance, in the shining sun;
and her fearless courage and fierce love, in us.

Now, watch her dance among the stars
singing her songs to the universe,
her love touching every celestial body,
no longer contained by her earthly vessel.

Watch her paint the horizon
with reds, yellows, pinks, and oranges
and be reminded that you're lucky
to awake to another day
and fall asleep to another night.

The author's comments:

Rest Easy Mama 3.13.15

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