If Our Solar System Were a Play. | Teen Ink

If Our Solar System Were a Play.

April 17, 2015
By lylacks SILVER, Erie, Pennsylvania
lylacks SILVER, Erie, Pennsylvania
6 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
"She felt as if she knew the stars, and had been among them, or would be." -- Mark Helprin

If our solar system were a play: 


The sun would be the lead.

Big and bright, 

the center of attention, 

and the one to go out with a bang. 

The planets would be the supporting characters.

They would follow the sun,

and root for it's victory. 

They would be wide, diverse,

and each special in their own right. 

But they would not be the sun. 


Is there something wrong with that? 


If our solar system were a play: 


The stars would be the audience.


They would shine as a form of applause, 

at the end of the performance. 

They would talk about the ending. 

About how the sun went crazy, 

and killed Mercury... Venus...

You know.


But, would the stars say anything about us? 


For we would be their audience.

Gazing, studying, and just plain loving them. 

Could the stars even see it's audience? 

I would like to hope so. 


So, one day, at the end of the sun's big number.

When Earth is reduced, 

to ash being burnt by flame. 

The stars would remember us.

Our stories, discoveries, memories. 

They would spread the word to galaxies,

upon galaxies,

upon galaxies.

About the people,

who got devoured by the sun,

when the stars started paying more attention

to the people,

and not the sun.


Is there something wrong with that?

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