Death Cycle | Teen Ink

Death Cycle

April 13, 2015
By 5jones SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
5jones SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

An eerie stillness casts over the daylight dew.
I hear it.
A vile presence inhabits the thick woodlands, I call home.
The clean cut of a stick tells me it’s nearing.
I coil my neck, my darting eyes meet my attacker.
My blood goes cold, breaths become short and nimble, my heart flutters.
Flailing my arms,
entangled in branches, searching for blue.
Ping! Ping! Ping!
Rickashaying relief.
Ping! Ping! Ping!
I’m hit.
Entangled in branches, searching for blue,
flailing my arms.
My blood goes cold, breaths become short and nimble, my heart flutters.
I coil my neck, my darting eyes meet my attacker.
The clean cut of a stick tells me it’s nearing.
A vile presence inhabits the tick woodlands, I call home.
I hear it.
An eerie stillness casts over the daylight dew.

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