Alone | Teen Ink


April 13, 2015
By Nikki__ BRONZE, League City, Texas
Nikki__ BRONZE, League City, Texas
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Those late nights I spend alone,
Are some of my favorite nights.
Full of peace and serenity.
But sometimes,
You grow tired of being alone.
Alone with thoughts of the past,
Forgetting what the future may hold.
Alone with thoughts of the mistakes you have made.
Alone with those vicious thoughts that just break you down.
Sometimes leaving you in tears.
Finally you feel nothing but emptiness.
Tears are no longer flowing.
You are left with nothing but pure silence.
And the feeling of completely and utterly,


The author's comments:

This is kind of about how you feel when you have alone time. It can be bitter sweet sometimes. You can feel good about yourself or be really down about yourself. 

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