Love They Say | Teen Ink

Love They Say

April 8, 2015
By JadedAngel PLATINUM, Leavittsburg, Ohio
JadedAngel PLATINUM, Leavittsburg, Ohio
22 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I'm Pretty, but I'm not Beautiful
I Sin, but I'm not the Devil
I'm Good, but I'm no Angel
-Marilyn Monroe

Fall in love

they say

It'll be fun

they say

You can tell them anything and they'll listen

they say

They'll love you back

they say


Trust them

they say

While they secretly talk to other people

before finally leaving you

for an illusion

of something better


Love may hurt you

they don't say

It may tear your heart out

they don't say

It may leave you broken inside

they don't say

It may cause you to do irrational things

they don't say


All they say of love

is how beautiful, special,

unique and wonderful it is


But nothing of how it

can kill you inside

How one person

can ruin you

by taking your love for granted

by leaving you alone and empty

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