Popular | Teen Ink


April 7, 2015
By MagicWriter666 SILVER, Cresco, Iowa
MagicWriter666 SILVER, Cresco, Iowa
8 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
It is not the pen that is mightier than the sword, it is the heart.

You say "It's not easy being me." 

People hear your every plea.

Yes, popularity is such a nightmare.

People who help you are right there. 

You say, "Being populr is like being able to fly." 

Looking at you, hearing you, I can tell you're a lie. 

Your nose is fake, your dress is a rip-off.

People different from you, you laugh and scoff.

You say, "I rule the school. I'm top of the rank."

If you're so smart, why do you draw a blank?

Let's face it, you pretend to be perfect.

Anyone who won't follow you, you reject.

To you, everyone must call you 'princess'.

You call me 'wannabe' but I have no one to impress. 

Now you break a nail and bawl, 

But soon, It'll be me you'll come to and crawl.

Popularit can only get you so far.

When in the real world, you're no longer a star.

The people you and others shunned now have the power. 

You better leave before things really get sour.

So if you want to be King or Queen.

Remember... popularity can be mean. 

The author's comments:

Automatically based on stereotypes, you pick out the people kids as the people who are me to you and mean to others. That's not popular, that's being a bully. Popularity is how many friends you have and how well you're liked, but that's not all it's cracked up to be. Too many people mean too many things to do. You spend so much time worrying what other people think about you and not what you think of yourself. You can have one or two friends and still feel like the luckiest person because those people might like you for you. You don't have to always be in a panic about how everyone sees you and waste your time making it happen. Just take a deep breath and think of what you really need. 

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