Mirrors | Teen Ink


March 31, 2015
By doctordwe BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
doctordwe BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

If I look through
your lively brown eyes
and see an invitation
to dive in,
I will do so in an instant.

If you feel uncomfortable
sharing your shady
secrets with me,
because no one
is such a saint
that they can judge.

If you open the door
to your heart,
and allow me to connect
with all of you,
faults included,
I will without hesitation.

But if when you see me,
all you can see
is what interests you,
and ignore the rest,
I will surely do the same.

If when I look
into your eyes,
all I can see is darkness,
I will show you darkness.

But why should I even
give you any effort at all,
if you do not do the same?


If I see you for who you are,
but you only see the ways
in which I can rise you up,
you are not worthy
of my attention.

If I am no longer
of use to you,
just dispose of me,
for that is a much better fate
than slowly suffocating behind
a wall of
silver glass.

Either you break your barrier,
or I will set up my own,
and then we can pass
each other by,
with no regard
for the other person,
the memory of them
hidden behind
our own

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