Unimportant | Teen Ink


March 25, 2015
By 2elle2 BRONZE, Princeton, New Jersey
2elle2 BRONZE, Princeton, New Jersey
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In the fast-paced world of now

let us stop for a moment and think

of what's behind all this din

take a deep breath or two and blink.


I wonder at how infinitesimal we are

less than a speck of dust in the universe

We hold ourselves so high, yet

we're just another hair in a purse


We see, we hear, we open our mouths

and let gibberish flow unctuously out

But do we observe, listen, and truly believe

the jumble of sounds we shout?


Still, meaning transcends through time

or so I would like to presume

Peering around our hazy world

I'd say, pause and please lower the volume.

The author's comments:

Today, with the influence of devices and technology visible almost everywhere in our everyday lives, it's hard to slow down and be calm. I wanted to write a poem about our technology-driven world and how it's affecting our day-to-day interactions.

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