Definition of You | Teen Ink

Definition of You

March 23, 2015
By reneekarmen BRONZE, New Britain, Connecticut
reneekarmen BRONZE, New Britain, Connecticut
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

You are who you are and that’s something you can’t change
Why be like everyone else, why be the same
Why go with the flow and follow the crowd
We all have a voice to be heard, so why not make yours loud
Go for your passions, and ignore your pride
It’s okay to be scared, don’t go run and hide
Nobody is perfect, and I know it sounds cliché
So don’t strive for that, don’t listen to what people say
Strive for your dreams and
Strive for your hopes
Strive to do crazy things, like meeting the Pope
I love me, so you should love yourself too
So go figure out what’s the definition of you.

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