Lost in Translation | Teen Ink

Lost in Translation

March 24, 2015
By reneekarmen BRONZE, New Britain, Connecticut
reneekarmen BRONZE, New Britain, Connecticut
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me
How am I supposed to feel about this if everyone deserts me?
Feeling lost an alone, cold and incomplete
This is when I’m thinking I should just accept defeat
This is when I’m lost in my thought, knowing I can’t compete
Breaking down and crying, cold hard contemplation
Laying in solitary my own form of meditation
My own form of mediation, between my heart and my mind
Thinking about all those who have left me behind
But then I remember my purpose, my reason for being
My reason for breathing, now my anger is seething
Why do I always do that, confuse my sense of reason
Feeling like I’m committing my own bodily treason
A betrayal of my thought and betrayal of my mind
Why must I always do this to myself all the time?
But I know one day I’ll be good enough, one day I’ll be strong
But for now until then, I must just get along.

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