Safe Place | Teen Ink

Safe Place

March 1, 2015
By jacinguyen BRONZE, Modesto, California
jacinguyen BRONZE, Modesto, California
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I can feel myself panting because of how angry and upset I am. As I open up my bedroom door, I stop and look around. I start to calm down at the sight of my bed. The inspirational quotes helps too.
My bed, the place where I can escape all my problems and relax. My bed is my comfort zone.When I feel happy, sad, angry, or embarrassed my bed will always be there for me. Everything about it makes me feel comfortable. How it smells like my sweet, smelling shampoo and conditioner or how my comforter is white and it makes me feel free and happy. My favorite part of my bed is how it will never go away. It’s not like a friend where they can turn their back on you or a father who can just leave your family. It’s permanent and won't go anywhere unless I move it. My bed is perfect. When I twist or turn or jump it makes no noise. When I want to scream because I am upset, it lets me scream into itself. People would probably think I am weird if I ever said how much I like my bed. Many people take their beds for granted but I will never.
I slam my body against my bed and I come back up because of how bouncy it is. I dig my head into my pillows and cry. All I can think about is how good my bed smells. See? I already forget about my problems the second I lay on it. It distracts me from the real world until I start to think too much. I lay on my back and think. How come this is happening to me? What did I do to deserve this? I start to cry and continue to cry until I fall asleep and still my bed is there to comfort me.

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