Dreams | Teen Ink


February 27, 2015
By cloudsandstars BRONZE, Scottsdale, Arizona
cloudsandstars BRONZE, Scottsdale, Arizona
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Pitch black and amorphous
My eyes flutter desperately
Searching for light in an abyss
Can fear consume?

The trees are overgrown
The leaves nudge me with whispers
“Hurry”, they goad, “before it’s too late!”
But what is time in infinity?

Next comes the people;
Scorn; hurt; disappointment
All versions of the truth
But aren’t all truths composed of lies?

The path mechanically diverges
One way offers the bleakness of sin
The other the promise of warmth
Is there even a choice?

The darkness now comforts me
Protecting me with its blindness
Shielding me from weakness
But is weakness strength?

Slivers of light appear through the haze
I scream while desperately clinging
To the ground and to sanity
Isn’t goodbye forever?

The light burns me, angry now
Telling me to wake up
That the mind isn’t reality
But is reality even real?

My limbs grasp the potential of the stars
My eyes snap open and are blinded.
The light no longer offers comfort,
It consumes in its desire for truth.

The monotony of life smiles with belief of success
Causing me to laugh at its fallacious nature;
The light is only the struggle of darkness
And the darkness is only the defeat of light.

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