Persistence of Memory | Teen Ink

Persistence of Memory

February 25, 2015
By Dcbrooke BRONZE, Wrentham, Massachusetts
Dcbrooke BRONZE, Wrentham, Massachusetts
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The blinding sun above,
Freshly-cut, green grass below,
Children’s laughter fills the air,
Screams of glee and excitement.

Toddler becomes teen,
Walking along the seashore,
The feeling of independence,
Fearless and full of hope.   

Teen turns to adult,
A caretaker, a worker,
Long days and busy schedules,
Unconditional love.


What truly is time?
The good moments, the bad,
Or is time like a flowing river,
Through the waterfall of life?


From the innocence of youth,
To the trials of adulthood,
Time quickly melts away,
Until the end has come.

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