School is Cancelled Forever | Teen Ink

School is Cancelled Forever

February 24, 2015
By Zarina Haffizulla SILVER, Davie, Florida
Zarina Haffizulla SILVER, Davie, Florida
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

School is cancelled
Could this be a joke?
The moment I heard the news,
I was in complete shock.
In the inside I was having
a party. On the outside,
I was very shocked and disappointed.

You probably knew how I felt.
I was basically hiding my feelings about
school being cancelled forever.
When in your life does that ever happen?!

Finally, I get to sleep in.
Go to parties before my bedtime.
Which is 8:00 at night.
Now, I won’t have to deal with that!

I get to actually watch that TV Show
at midnight now!
This is the best gift to ever have.
Maybe this is once in a lifetime!

Then I realized something.
Where would I go to school?
Which school will I go to?
These were the questions still stuck in my head.

Panic! Panic! How will my parents react?
Really, think about this.
When do you ever say to your parents that
your school has been cancelled? Forever?

The answer is Never!
Sad, Sad, who am I kidding, this has
to be a joke. A complete joke, maybe it’s April Fools?
Then I realized, it was November.

I”m losing it! I’m losing it!
Wake up Joe! Wake up Joe!
My mom woke me up, and I was so relieved.

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