I Found My Poem | Teen Ink

I Found My Poem MAG

February 18, 2015
By Connor-McClure SILVER, Highland Village, Texas
Connor-McClure SILVER, Highland Village, Texas
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If you can't blow them away with your brilliance, baffle them with your bulls***." -Anonymous

I found my poem
within emerald green circlets
There in the bitter cold,
when all was dark,
I found two lights;
in her sockets, in her skull.
In a bus, in a classroom
a specter haunts me,
I feel its gaze every day
I found my poem in pearlescent teeth,
a warmth washed over that banished the cold
a friendly smile to help me get on my way,
I will find my poem in time,
but the time isn’t now.
I am left to wonder when I’ll wake up
from this prison of slumber,
I will find my poem in time
but the time isn’t now.
I wonder when my poem will have its chance
to sing to the skies.
I am lost
I will find my way back in time,
but the time isn’t now.

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