The Moon and Her Silver Army | Teen Ink

The Moon and Her Silver Army MAG

February 16, 2015
By catwagner_ BRONZE, Easley, South Carolina
catwagner_ BRONZE, Easley, South Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I will never be a morning person, for the moon and I, are too much in love."

I’ve always found comfort in the moon
She watches over the night crawlers
The misfits
The criminals
The lonely
The numb
Anyone who happens to be wandering aimlessly through the night
Anyone who is wide awake at 3 a.m.
Anyone who is searching desperately for something to numb the pain
The sun shines a blinding light that picks the less fortunate apart
Illuminating their flaws for anyone to see
But the moon shines only a small glow that envelops their scars with a silver hue
The moon watches over everyone from time to time
She was there for me then
When no one else was
She sang me the night’s lullaby
While drizzling liquid silver into my veins
Maybe that’s why everything bad goes down at night
Maybe we are all just doing her bidding
All of us her army tied together by silver
Is it wrong?
But I owe it to her
The moon gave me a home
And that’s something the sun could never do

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This article has 2 comments.

on Nov. 4 2015 at 1:17 pm
DrizzyTheWriter BRONZE, Plaquemine, Louisiana
4 articles 0 photos 4 comments
This allegorical masterpiece conveys an idea that the moon light is ‘home’ for those whom hesitate to let the sun shine it’s light on unfortunate individuals. I connected with this poem, and with that being said, I can relate on a personal level because I too have “found comfort in the moon.”

on Nov. 3 2015 at 3:14 pm
itsbrittneybatch BRONZE, Big Lip, Louisiana
2 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I'm cool." - me

The phrase "The sun shines a blinding light that picks the less fortunate apart" really punched me in the face because that is how I feel. During the day I am an outcast, but at night everything is a little bit better.