Inspiration | Teen Ink


February 11, 2015
By anthony rodriguez BRONZE, Perth Amboy, New Jersey
anthony rodriguez BRONZE, Perth Amboy, New Jersey
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

tupac always said the realest things
then drake came around
changed everything
hip hop is a community
so we change with em
its not about the lyrics no more
some can't even rap no more
but they got it sonically
still on the radio
you can't understand em tho
it’s like a whole new thing
listening to tupac my whole life
ain't no rapper trying to sing
but it’s different now
inspiration comes in many ways
still looking for that one rapper that’ll
motivate us through our lonely days
teach us the lessons they learned
it’s tough and all but hey
as tupac used to say
“for every dark night there’s a brighter day”

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