Where I am from | Teen Ink

Where I am from

February 5, 2015
By Rawrlikerue SILVER, Nashotah, Wisconsin
Rawrlikerue SILVER, Nashotah, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from cartoon mornings and 10 am wake up calls.
Oreo bedsheets and Cheerio sunrises,
jumping on the bed to start the day.
Spilled milk at diners lavish with laughter;
oblivious and blessed, with two trees raising me.
From “no bedtime” movies on Fridays, to church on Sundays with free treats.
Budding faith. Loving life.  Feeling hope.

The lessons come easier, energy blossoms.
Fascinated by clear flexile crystals showcased on glass, untouchable,
flying over highways, skies a mist of light and gray.
Naive and playful, cheery and optimistic;
a new member arrives to a soon to be familiar home.
No longer youngest. Forever young.
Feeling free.  Wanting none.  Loving her.

Soon, people fall. Crash. Sleep.
Molding my atmosphere into a weed, infecting every morsel.
From drunken loves with helpless minds,
to white knuckles, damp cheeks, and muffled frustration.
Councilors and meetings. Failing grades. Dwindling to silence.
Misunderstandings, and lost friends.
Cancer sticks passed down with two roots;
abused, each hit with the same motive.
Finding the words etiolate...petals fall, two at a time.
Heartache, sheltered by vacant stares.
Seeing everything.  Loving distant.  Feeling all.

The lotus flies, the memories a sidenote.
Gemstones, puppies, and tea leaves,
health and self-worth redeemed.
People listen, but phase into their own existence, oblivious.
Finding my own path among the addled petals.
Leaving all.  Feeling most.  Loving me.

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