what mistake did i do | Teen Ink

what mistake did i do

January 27, 2015
By Sinchita BRONZE, Navi Mumbai, Other
Sinchita BRONZE, Navi Mumbai, Other
2 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
you don't realize the value of a thing till you lose it.

What mistake did I do?

That you left me here!
Why did you abandon me?
When I was your own daughter
Why did you carry me for nine months
With so much pain and expectations
When you had already decided to leave me?
You left me in this world, all alone and helpless

What mistake did I do?
What harm would it have caused you
To feed me, love me and educate me?
Would you have left me like this if I was a boy?
Why didn’t you give me a chance to prove myself?
Why didn’t you let me call you ‘ma’?

What mistake did I do?
Wouldn’t you have loved it if,
I would have brought home all the awards?
Wouldn’t you have been beaming with joy,
When I would have given you my first pay check?
Or you probably never thought I could do such things?
After all in this country it’s a man’s job
You also thought of me to be a burden
Whose marriage will cost you a fortune
As girls are only meant to marry
Didn’t you for once of educating me?

What mistake did I do?
And here you are my dear mother
Leaving me on this bench
Never even looking back and thinking
What I can do
Your sweet face as emotionless as a stone
And I shouting and crying thinking of my destiny
Will I live or die like numerous other baby girls
Ma will you tell me this
Would you have done the same if I was a boy?
What mistake did I do?

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