The Beauty That Is You | Teen Ink

The Beauty That Is You

January 27, 2015
By TeenageWoes GOLD, Richardson, Texas
TeenageWoes GOLD, Richardson, Texas
13 articles 0 photos 2 comments

I see the back of your head
Sending my imagination in a flurry
The soft, tousled blond tendrils
The muscles visible from inside your jacket
Your hand drumming a sweet rhythm
Your foot tapping uncontrollably
Your bubbly, sweet laughter
I am overwhelmed
By the beauty that is you
Suddenly, you turn around
To ask me a question, of course
Your eyes the deepest blue
Sending me on a swim to heaven
Your mouth twitching into a smirk
That makes my mind explode
I swallow all of you in
Every crinkle in the corners of your eyes
Every strand of hair falling over your forehead
Every muscle that moves when you talk
Every single imperfection
That only makes you more perfect
I bask in your gaze
Drinking up every second I can
Before I answer
A simple thank you is muttered
Suddenly it’s gone
The back of your head facing me once more
But, I don’t notice
Still frolicking in the field of love
The field of magnificence
The field of everything gorgeous
The field of you

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