Peoples effects changes. | Teen Ink

Peoples effects changes.

January 20, 2015
By SarahManganiello GOLD, Buffalo, New York
SarahManganiello GOLD, Buffalo, New York
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The change in me is so different than who I used to be.

I've been built up and brought down.

People have came and left without a blink.

I had phases to please.

I've hidden a lot from the eyes of the public.

The walls were built so tall and thick.

Never knew I could be broken.

Shot down by one sentence.

Knowing it was you but feeling it was my fault.

Developed something so dark.

Inside its gloomy and empty.

You finally were able to drain me of all that I stood for and all that I am.


But I feel myself coming back to life.

Trust coming back to my eyes.

Someone new to show I'm sane.

Holding his hand and feeling wanted

Being held in his arms and feeling safe.

He breaking the walls down and opening me back to the light.


I was once broken and empty,

I had nothing left to offer.

Now, I am full of life,

I have all of me to offer.


It's crazy to think someone could bring you down to your lowest and have someone else bring you up to your highest and not care about your lowest. They accept you and make you feel wanted because they want you and they need you just as much as you need and want them.

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