Goodbye | Teen Ink


January 19, 2015
By _xokayleighxo_ PLATINUM, Hampstead, North Carolina
_xokayleighxo_ PLATINUM, Hampstead, North Carolina
20 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
If you can dream it, you can do it. -Walt Disney

Goodbye lovely pink and green garden,
I will never wake up to you again.
Goodbye colorful little fish,
swimming in the blue.
Goodbye thin, white clouds,
you’ve covered damage for long enough.
Goodbye chirping annoyance in the air,
you’ll wake up someone new.
Goodbye yellow peacefulness brushed on the wall,
my dolls have a new scenery, too.
Goodbye death traps that never rested,
carpet new, clean, and slippery.

Goodbye loopty loops stuck on the walls,
your comfort is no longer needed.
Goodbye strobe light in the fancy dining room,
you flickered all the time.
Goodbye beige boringness slapped on the wall,
nothing will be as bland as you.
Goodbye brick heart at the edge of the room,
your warmth is no longer needed.
Goodbye old wobbler sat by the window,
no longer will I bask in the sunlight while sitting on you.
Goodbye eaten-away words hanging on the window,
you may rest in a large metal bin of peace.
Goodbye door to Narnia,
you were never really used or seen.
Goodbye firefly landing,
you may rot away in peace.

Goodbye launch pad,
I won’t fly off you anymore.
Goodbye hiding place,
your identity will never be revealed.
Goodbye dent in the wall,
you will no longer be watched.
Goodbye forbidden room
I’ve snuck into -shh!
Goodbye maze of machinery,
you were a great hiding place.
Goodbye forgotten hide and go seek spot,
I can no longer hide from my parents in you.
Goodbye holiday keeper,
you always were cold and dimly lit but never really festive.

Goodbye peachy childhood
on the corner of Meadow and Blakely,
13235 holds unmasked significance.
Goodbye grove of walking,
you schooled and housed.
Goodbye plain fields,
I’ll see you when the weather’s warm
and the sun shines again.

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