Blue Skies | Teen Ink

Blue Skies

January 18, 2015
By SugarSkull BRONZE, Jupiter, Florida
SugarSkull BRONZE, Jupiter, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
~You can't have a rainbow without a little rain~

Blue Skies
Sweet tunes,
Soft lullabies.
Happy days,
Blue skies.
Growing up,
With no kind eyes.
Traumas, deaths,

Fights, and lies.
Words so cold,
Words like ice.
A friendly beast to ease her mind.
To take away the betrayed promises,
That take away her light.
Happy days,
Blue skies.
Wicked beasts,
Twisted lies.
No emotions,
No life.
Frozen forever,
Sweet tunes,
Soft lullabies.
Happy days,
Blue skies.

The author's comments:

This original by me means a lot to me. I write at my best when I'm sad or feeling inspired and that's just when I wrote this. 

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