Who Am I? | Teen Ink

Who Am I?

January 22, 2015
By TheBlackPoet567 GOLD, IN, Indiana
TheBlackPoet567 GOLD, IN, Indiana
13 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
Life is a struggle requiring optimism and confidence

To find such words to describe myself is like figuring out the answer to a geometry question or finding the result of a chemistry lesson.
“How do you identify yourself?”
is such an ordinary question almost like an investigation;  with its simplicity with a side of complex gravity.
“where do you see yourself in the future?”
Yet such the audacity to ask me such a thing, when i’m still trying to figure out who I am as a simple human being.
If I were to describe myself I would say that I am me and thats all I will ever be.
A young girl who likes to put her thoughts and feelings into an entangled mess that only few would understand.
Letting her fingers write multiplex words on a flimsy piece of paper.
I am more than just a color, look deep into my eyes and you will see the warm heart that I protect inside.
I am not a damsel in distress for I am my own hero, nothing more and nothing less.
I am a meal that comes with three sides; shy,sarcastic and intricate.
I am a tall glass of sophisticated.
I am a young black women yearning for success and, dodging the grasp of failure and its mess.
If others were to look at me it wouldn’t matter what they see, as long as I believe in me than it shouldn’t matter what they think.
I am not going to change for anything because, this is how God created me.
If you don’t like it then fine but, you can’t judge me if you don’t know the whole story.

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