Grow Where You're Planted | Teen Ink

Grow Where You're Planted

January 14, 2015
By Left2Write BRONZE, Parker, Colorado
Left2Write BRONZE, Parker, Colorado
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind." - Gandhi

My mama once told me,

"Sweetie, grow where you're planted.

The soil might not be prime,

But don't take it for granted."


So I dig down deep,

Ten drafts and late hours,

Believing my words will bloom

Into a beautiful flower.


Yes, I fear to fail

More than several times per day.

But I also fear success;

Taking 'The Road Less Traveled' way.


Becoming a great author;

It's not for everyone.

More failures than successes

Before all is said and done.


But when my stories are lacking,

Rejection letters pile high,

I remember mama telling me,

"Keep reaching for the sky!"


So I turn to face the sun

Despite the ongoing drought.

Believing in my dream;

Waiting for my time to sprout.


I fertilize with courage

The place where I'm planted,

Root words grounded deeper,

My stalk a little less slanted.


Similes and metaphors

Blossom into colorful prose;

Words planted as seeds

Sprout as beautiful as a rose.


But what's a rose without a thorn?

Thorns of failure will grow me, too;

Grounding my perspective,

Broadening my view.


Envisioning my future

In my life-long loved craft;

This is the life I am growing,

Leaving decompostition in the past.


My mama once told me,

"Sweetie, grow where you're planted,

And in the right time, you'll see -

Your wishes will be granted."

The author's comments:

Always believe in your dreams!

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