Bored | Teen Ink


January 9, 2015
By Name Taylor BRONZE, Los Angalous, California
Name Taylor BRONZE, Los Angalous, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I sunk down in my chair as if I was a ship with a hole in it, the teacher continued to lecture about something I already had knowledge about.
My classmates were clueless on the new topic our teacher thought up out of nowhere.
“What? Who? How? Huh?” Are the only questions that were being asked, like a old stereo these kids were stuck on repeat.
My skin tingles as if I was a fish out of water a fish out of, I do not belong here! I told myself.
I take a hold of my crisp white phone as if it was my only escape from boredom land. "Class put your phones away!" The teacher hissed like a snake.
I jumped in my seat as if I was a misfit getting caught doing something illegal.
I banged my head on the table this is so boring! I thought.
I toggled over to my sketchbook hopping for a new creative idea to pop up, allowing my mind to refer to a great battle such as Civil War, one side fighting for education and the other side fought off my boredom. The side that wanted me to stay focus lost horribly. I flipped to a clean sketchbook page and pressed my pencil to a page that was as white as snow.
Anything please! I begged like a starving dog.
My hand stayed frozen as if ice possessed it.
nothing. Nothing.NOTHING.NOTHING! My thoughts took over my brain. My hand started moving as slow as a turtle; defacing the pure white page.
A sound of relief fell on my ears. "DING" I heard the bell ring. I gathered my stuff as if I was trying to fly right out of the door until I heard the teacher say in a snarky tone.
"That was the late bell, we still have a whole 55 minutes left in class."
I put on a chaotic smile on my face that showed a thousand words and thought "Oh great."
I sat back in my seat and banged my head on the table begging for freedom. At this rate boredom was another way of saying I was fighting Mike Tyson, it was a never ending battle.

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