Greatness of Nature | Teen Ink

Greatness of Nature

January 9, 2015
By brianschillaci BRONZE, South Plainfield, New Jersey
brianschillaci BRONZE, South Plainfield, New Jersey
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My uncle and I hastily got dressed, prepared our sandwiches,
and set out for the beach.
The sun was still nowhere to be found.
Finally we arrived.
There it was: the majestic ocean and vast beach waiting for us.
As I looked out in the Ocean, greatness was upon me.
The morning was spent collecting tiny fragments of the heart of the sea.
Also known as sea shells.
Each of them a treasure with their own unique beauty.
Finally: lunch time.
The only thing that could make this day better would be to eat my delicious sandwich.
It had a freshly baked parmesan roll with garlic seasoned oil and mayo lightly spread on the top half of the roll.
Freshly cut lettuce, crisp tomatoes, and delicious onions laid in the middle tier of the sandwich.
To complete this masterpiece of a sandwich was the combination of the juicy turkey and melted provolone cheese that sat between the fresh lettuce and the mayo.
As I went to take my first bite of this masterpiece, my whole day was instantly ruined.
A seagull flew down and with its razor sharp claws, snatched my perfect sandwich right out of my bare hands.
I had just realized that the same nature I thought was so amazing had just taken what I had desired most in my life at that point.
I then stared at my empty hands and heard my stomach growling and my uncle laughing.

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