When I Was Little | Teen Ink

When I Was Little

January 7, 2015
By CatSword SILVER, Leavenworth, Kansas
CatSword SILVER, Leavenworth, Kansas
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When I was little, I wanted nothing more then to be older.

I thought of myself as limited due to my small size.

Buried my head in my knees and wanted the hours to go faster.

Well, now I know now I shouldn't have let my youth pass me by.


I no longer am asked to play on monkey bars.

Now, I'm asked to take tests and sit in classrooms all day.

Oh, how I wouldn't trade it in if I had the chance.


Friends no longer like ice cream and bouncy houses.

Instead, my ears ring of alien conversations about who's dating who.

What on earth is a "Frapuccino"?


My parents don't tuck me in at night anymore.

Mom no longer checks under my bed for monsters.

Yet, sometimes I wish I was still that naive little boy.


For a while I wanted nothing more then to be an adult.

But then I thought a bit about all the things I missed from being a little kid.

I decided that I might as well be a teenager a little while longer.

Enjoy the experiences I can now before they're gone.

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