A Poem to Myself | Teen Ink

A Poem to Myself

January 5, 2015
By Bradkins956 BRONZE, Chesterton, Indiana
Bradkins956 BRONZE, Chesterton, Indiana
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Anything in life worth doing is worth overdoing.

Why look back, when you can move on
What’s holding you down that is so strong
Were you happy at the your worst
Were you upset at your best
It must feel like such a mess
As time goes by the wounds will heal
The pain will leave, the happier you’ll feel
Just remember when your down and out
There is one Man there, without a doubt
Grab his hand, He’s there for you
He wants nothing more than to pull you through
It will get worse before it gets better
Just remember who truly matters
Take who’s important and hold them near
Then you know you’ll have nothing to fear
I sit and write this poem to you
Really because I, need to hear it too

The author's comments:

This poem is very near and dear to me. It helped me a lot one night when I was struggling. This poem showed me that anybody can be a poet by just writing what you really feel and staying true to yourself. 

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