Last Phone Call | Teen Ink

Last Phone Call

January 4, 2015
By ClaireBoes GOLD, Council Bluffs, Iowa
ClaireBoes GOLD, Council Bluffs, Iowa
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I've cried, and you'd think I'd be better for it, but the sadness just sleeps, and it stays in my spine the rest of my life." -Conor Oberst

"I can't let you go." I had said as I crawled into bed
Static rang in the background of the phone lines
There was wind outside my window

"Aw, darling, you don't ever have to." he replied, as I sat there and cried
The wind picked up and the static got worse
A tree was crackling somewhere in the distance

"I love you a whole lot." I whispered as he only snickered
A leaf or five brushed through the pool of light from my room
His breathing cut out for a minute or two

"I have to leave." he claimed as I lay there ashamed
The wind whistled around the corner of the house
That tree crashed to the ground in a flutter of branches and nests

I hung up.

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