It Was Fun While It Lasted | Teen Ink

It Was Fun While It Lasted

December 25, 2014
By DosesOfReality PLATINUM, Underground, Washington
DosesOfReality PLATINUM, Underground, Washington
23 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
If they don't see you just keep walking. At least you have yourself.


I still don't know why you broke up with me,

but I'm pretty sure it has something to do with her.

The "amazing girl who is always there".

Was I never there?


I was always there for you.


I guess that wasn't good enough for you.

Ha no no.

Of coarse not.

You went out to find another.

While we were still together.

You were my world.

You said you loved me, but your full of s***.

People don't do that when they're in love.

I wish I couldn't give you the satisfaction of me still caring, and hurting, but sadly I still do.

A lot.

It's ok though.

You will get what you serve.

I sure as hell did.

I hope you get hurt, but I also hope you are ok.

I don't plan to date for awhile.

I plan to get my life in a good place.

Pick up the pieces that I broke a while ago.

Just maybe.

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