A poem for my cutie | Teen Ink

A poem for my cutie

December 15, 2014
By Summergirl2963 GOLD, Mason, Ohio
Summergirl2963 GOLD, Mason, Ohio
15 articles 0 photos 5 comments

Days grow in numbers
Love grows stronger
Days turn to months,

Since the day I met you.
Your smile, the way it brightens the room.
Your quietness, so sweet and calm.

Having you by my side,
My heart beating faster
Wondering what I'd be like,
to have you in my life.

Those months have added up,
We are no longer to together physically,
But yet we have managed to stay in touch,

Everyday I miss your smile,
But my heart still beats faster for your.
I miss having you by my side,
But having you in my life makes me happy.

Sometimes I'll sit on my bed,
Wishing you'd open the door.
I'd run into your arms and stay there for what seems like hours.

No matter where we go,
We'll always have each other,
No matter what dreams we'll dream, you'll always be mine.

Those countless days miles apart,
Will someday be the days in each other's arms,
Kissing and laughing.
All of our time apart,
Will soon be worth it,
Because you are worth it too me.

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