Mommy's Got A Bedtime Story | Teen Ink

Mommy's Got A Bedtime Story

December 17, 2014
By Anonymous

Once upon a time, in a land far far away
Mommy lived a lovely life
at least, at least by day
at night granddaddy would come home late
stinking of red apple cider
he’d beat grandmum
and we’d carry on
as if we were none the wiser

Twice upon a time, in a land far far away
Mommy lived life by the book
at least, at least by day
at night she lived her life in green
and drank the pain away
party dresses were a savior
with them she’d dance ‘til morning light
keeping her eyes open
was, to her, the noblest of daily fights
better than the battling of granddaddy and grandmum
nightly, he’d smack and then she’d scream
so Mommy avoided coming home
staying, instead, on the party scene

Thrice upon a time, in this land far far away,
Mommy hardly lived her life
granddady took to taking her to bed
after grandmum wasted away
Mommy tried some LSD
to warp the terror that lasted all night
she thought she could fly
but had her wings clipped
as she soared into the sunset sky

Fourth upon a time, in a land far far far away
Mommy lived on her own
she moved into a hostel
where she sold her every moan
tracks did line her pretty arms
powder dirtied her little nose
she sold herself in a w**** house
to score a little blow
Mommy was a martyr
But for whom, now who’s to know

Fifth and final upon a time, in a land much closer to home
Mommy cleaned up her dirty life
when she met your other mom, Joan
Mom told Mommy
“You deserve better”
She was Mommy’s fairy godmother and prince
Mommy and Mom adopted two baby girls
And Mommy worked hard to quit
Now Mommy sometimes relapses
But Mom cuts Mommy a break
As long as she gets clean real quick
The earth beneath Mommy don’t quake
For once in life, Mommy feels stable
With a girl on each arm on her lap
Mommy can breathe easy
Now it’s time for you girls to (take a) nap

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on Dec. 24 2014 at 8:59 pm
British_American_Chick GOLD, Edison,
17 articles 0 photos 23 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If your going through hell, keep going"
-Winston Churchill

This was truly amazing