Know your Role to Rule them All | Teen Ink

Know your Role to Rule them All

December 12, 2014
By DarkKnightHD1 BRONZE, Marlborough, Massachusetts
DarkKnightHD1 BRONZE, Marlborough, Massachusetts
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

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He lived by his belief, he died by his belief. We can't say he was wrong, because no one knows what's right these days.

When people get to level 30,
they think you go straight to ranked,
and think, “Well, this is just a game…”
but when you get your team to lose in Solo Queue,
you will put your team to shame.

Don’t go straight to ranked,
because that mode is really scary,
so I suggest you train a lot,
even with your AD Carry,
because when you think all is going well,
you will jump straight to the Elo Hell.

In the pre-season update,
the jungle got really challenging
because all the buffs are up to date.
Of course you need jungler to pick,
with all junglers available now,
I always choose the Almighty Warwick.
But in a couple of weeks a new jungler will be out,
the one and only Rek’Sai,
She is OP right now
I just type,” You gonna cry?”

Top Lane is really scary,
sometimes you need to be bossy.
Even though her size doesn’t matter
I always go with Poppy
because her late-game is God-Like
although her farming is all snobby.
But in the future now to come,
their top lane will be as good as dead,
because when I’ll choose a champion,
they’ll say, “Wow, is that Zed?”
His shadows is all I need to dominate that top lane,
his Ult is also good to decide a winning game.
Mid Lane is a piece of cake
if you know how to be a star,
luckily he’s the best AP counter of all,
the midget mage Veigar.
Although Zed is good at top,
he works really well at Mid
he does not have ranged attacks,
but his damage is out of the grid.

Now there is more roles in the game,
but I’ll talk more of my main role that’s the Jungle.
Being a jungler requires strategy and know how to do ganks.
Right now I’m with Udyr helping my teammates from outside.
Getting the buffs for my teammates
and paying attention all the time.

When I get to level 30 I already got my team formed,
my main role is the jungle to get ready to ranked.
“CANT STARS” is the main top with a wide variety of champs,
“Nickimbds” is the ADC carrying the bot lane with me making his camps.
“L0B0Ts” is the Support helping the ADC carry its lane,
and “B4conzitos”  is the mid lane helping us carry our game.
And of course, “Masterblze” (that’s me) is the jungler of the team,
helping my team making its ganks and always clearing the jungle clean.
We don’t have an official name but I got some good ideas
Tr1STAR Games is one of them and hope we make a show,
now its just get to level 30 and up to ranked we go!

The author's comments:

my dream is to become a professional player of League of Legends, to travel other countries to meet other people with a common goal: to become victorious. 

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on Dec. 19 2014 at 11:13 am
Pablo123 BRONZE, Marlborough, Massachusetts
3 articles 0 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
Ball is life

is this lol?