Lonely Love | Teen Ink

Lonely Love

November 25, 2014
By Raga21 GOLD, Belmont, Michigan
Raga21 GOLD, Belmont, Michigan
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I am who I am

Worried and frantic he looks at me, with tears in his eyes and such disbelief. Pulls me close but what he doesn't see is the distance I have created between him and me. He struggles for words that I couldn't understand but the only thing I caught was when he held my hand. "I said I love you and you said it too, but the only difference is ..I didn't lie to you"  He wanted reasons but I couldn't say, so I left no words as I looked away. He wasn't making it easy so I had to play hard, because every moment spent with him I was left scarred. I didn't mean to toy with his fragile little heart but how could I love someone who tore my life apart? I was so young and so immature  to know better is what we both deserved. I wish It didn't end so complicated I  left you with a heart that is broke,and  jaded, but you left me with a heart weak and deflated. Now letting go of the choke .. Because you can fix me when your the reason I broke.

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