Traveling Through the Dark | Teen Ink

Traveling Through the Dark

November 23, 2014
By bobbergrace BRONZE, Mequon, Wisconsin
bobbergrace BRONZE, Mequon, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

traveling through the dark, I found no light
in new mornings or friendly faces.
it is usually best to find it there
in forces greater than myself.

by the chill of the crisp October air
I wandered without a care
and waltzed through the crowd, unaware, unattached;
she was empty already, almost dead herself. her hands
dragged me off;
warm and understanding.

her hands warm and understanding brought me
no reason
her face was stained, mine would be as well, soon,
salty, desperate, searching for an answer.
down that tunnel we went.

my sapphire telescopes pierced forward, intense;
the space around me zoomed in and out of focus.
I collapsed in the brokenness of a small, full embrace;
in that silence I could hear the sighs of angels.

traveling through the dark, I found no light.
I couldn’t think or see
only feel
“dead, dead, he’s dead” and free.

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