Welcome to Mars | Teen Ink

Welcome to Mars

November 13, 2014
By DosesOfReality PLATINUM, Underground, Washington
DosesOfReality PLATINUM, Underground, Washington
23 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
If they don't see you just keep walking. At least you have yourself.

Do you ever feel lonely when you haven't talked to that special person in a couple days?

Maybe even a couple hours?

You feel like your world just got 100 times bigger, but 100 times more empty.

Like you moved to Mars, and no body decided to join you on your voyage to no where.

Only caring about how they're doing, if they're thinking about you as much as you are thinking of them, if they're missing you as much as your missing them, if they love you as much as you love them.

Wondering if they even love you.


That question always lingers in my head.

The one question I can't answer.

Well, the one big question.

One of the more important, of the many wandering questions scattered in my jumbbled head.

Does he love me?

Is he just saying that?

Does he really, honestly, truly love me?

I mean not like I'd believe it.

How could I sane, and reasonable soul love me?

With so many flaws, and imperfections I just can't fathom why anyone one could ever be in love with me.

I guess he just hasn't seen my true, god awful colors.

Now off of him.

I guess I shouldn't question too harshly on him since I don't even know if I love him either.

Trust me I want to, but I don't know maybe there's something holding me back?

Don't think so.

No one's in the way.

So what's stopping me?

Hell if I know.

He says he sees it.

In the way I look at him.

Maybe I just can't find it in myself, but others can see it. 

I just want to love him.

Is that really too much to ask?

The author's comments:

Granted how could you try and figure all of this shit out from Mars? 

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