Found and Risen | Teen Ink

Found and Risen

November 13, 2014
By ZoeZoe PLATINUM, Westown, New Plymouth 4310, Other
ZoeZoe PLATINUM, Westown, New Plymouth 4310, Other
28 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"A bird doesn't sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song" -Maya Angelou

you hear their calloused voices
grasping, pulling you down deeper.
the weight of their mistakes
an infinite burden on your shoulders.
so you let them go.
keep going and going.
dodging the pleas and cries flying towards you.
the very dirt beneath your feet-a traitor
grabbing your knees and pulling them under.
the ebony sky pushes you down
down, down.
But you keep going because beyond
the cacophony of voices blinking betrayals
you hear another voice
barely a whisper,
taunting you forward
step by step.
inside a hurricane of contradictions and accusations
There’s one tiny voice
almost overlooked
but once seen you can’t forget it,
above all of the voices shouting in your ear
this one keeps you going forward
while all the others hold you back.
it’s yours;
You grasp it tightly and keep pushing
away from all of these influences
that put your life on a roller coaster.
just hold on
and don’t stop.

The author's comments:

inspired by Mary Oliver's 'The Journey'

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