Circle Of Life | Teen Ink

Circle Of Life

November 9, 2014
By Anonymous

The trees are in full bloom, fruit and flowers are in abundance. Everywhere you look is green, green, and even more green.

The leaves are just beginning to change color, wherever you look there are splotches of red, brown, yellow, and orange. The pine trees slip out of their needles and pine cones are kicked around like soccer balls.

The trees start to shed, each step you take would result in a wonderful crunching sound, the leaves fall like a shower of warm colors.

The trees are bare now. Each one looking like a silly type of spider with too many legs. There are no more leaves to be found, except on the ground. The only colors seen are brown, gray, and black; cold colors.

Slowly, everything seems to rise from the dead, flowers bloom, rose buds open, and the world turns green again.

Each year the world has its own adventure, it changes, goes through things, but it always bounces back. We should take the earth as an example, yes things do get very cold and harsh but there is always warmth to look forward to, it is never cold forever. 

The author's comments:

Based on personal experience. 

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