Lone Adventurer | Teen Ink

Lone Adventurer

November 4, 2014
By LardOssimsauce SILVER, Minnesota City, Minnesota
LardOssimsauce SILVER, Minnesota City, Minnesota
7 articles 1 photo 0 comments

He hid from the view of all of his peers.

A recluse

A loner

A hermit

This is what they called him.
But to himself, he is a refugee.
Seeking solace and peace from the outside world.
In dark spaces he sits and he vibes,
Contemplating the meaning of life.
“Is there a God or are we just alone?”
“Will I ever find an answer?”
This is what runs through his mind.
But he knows one thing,
He won’t get it from them.
No, he needs to find this out for himself.
Not from any outside sources.
So call him a loner, a hermit, a recluse,
But to him, 
He’s more adventurous than the people that sit and accept without thinking.
A modern day Indiana Jones.
He’ll delve deep into caves of thought,
seeking the unknown treasure.
And face the opposition of the outside world that try to deface his name.
So journey on my lone adventurer!
Find the unknown treasure!
Your path will be remembered!

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